The Friday Pfister Fix
Sending you into your weekend with positive vibes.
A Transitional “Mahalo”
The English language has many beautiful (and not-so-beautiful) words. I hate the word “retiring.” But I love the word “transitioning.” As we head into 2025, there will be some amazing “transitions” at Pfister Orthodontics. And, at the end-of-the-day, my favorite word may be one that isn’t English at all, but rather… Hawaiian. Mahalo. Thank you. Thank you for letting me into your world and yours into mine. This final #fridaypfisterfix says it all…
Hangin’ on to Summer
Whoa, whoa, whoa… pump the breaks everyone. Summer ain’t over yet! There’s still time to make some Summer memories. Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix for some recommendations in hangin’ on to summer…
Fourth of July - A Time of Reflective Celebration
I don’t know about you, but the amazing weather that we’ve had over the Spring and throughout June seems to really have accelerated the calendar. All of a sudden, we are celebrating our country’s Independence Day from Great Britain. And what a great celebration it is! As one watches their phone, television, media sources and witnesses such atrocities and destruction in many other parts of our dear planet, we have to be very thankful that we are living in America!
Am I too late?
Well summer is a-rockin’! And if us orthodontists aren’t catching Styx concerts or Memorial Day swims, we’re staying pretty busy in the office. Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix to see why summer is a happenin’ time (and why your child may be old enough for early orthodontic intervention)…
A Weekend of Remembering
Many people associate Memorial Day as the kick-off to summer with fun in the sun and a day off from work. But the holiday has a rich history dating back to the 1860s. Its intent and focus is for us to take time out of life’s busy schedule to think about and commemorate those who died while serving in the U.S. military. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I offer just a few reflections on a weekend of remembering…
I have fond memories of celebrating Easter with my family growing up. And as older generations are replaced by new ones, it has me thinking about how important it is to make memories with our loved ones and pass on family traditions. Rejoice, this Easter, and celebrate with those you love…
End of the Rainbow
This weekend should be a good one for those celebrating St. Patty’s day. Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix for recommendations on local eats and happenings, as well as a lil’ bit o’ history about St. Patrick himself…
The Pfister 5
When I started writing my blog (the #fridaypfisterfix) back in 2020, my goal was to connect with (and hopefully inspire) my patients, especially at a time when COVID shocked the world. Now, nearly 4 years later, I’m still at it (although sometimes publishing only once/month). This latest blog entry is entitled “The Pfister 5” — five things you probably didn’t know about me — a window into my world outside of Orthodontics.
Successful Change in 2024
On behalf of my Family and Staff, Happy New Year to you and yours! And if you’re reflecting on New Year’s resolutions for 2024, I’ve collected the top four things we should consider… backed by research… in seeing our resolutions through to completion this year!
Giving Thanks
As a small child (my mom says I was 9 or 10), I would accompany my father in yes, you guessed it, a Clark Griswold-style station wagon loaded with gift baskets, and deliver them the week before Christmas to thank his clients for all their support throughout the year. This tradition stuck with me, and I couldn’t be more thankful…
It’s Still... Five O’clock Somewhere
In perhaps one of my more personal #fridaypfisterfix blogs to date, I talk about one of the most important icons in my life, who left us too soon earlier this month. Having spent many of my formative years in South Florida and Key West, I suppose I already shared a love of the salt air and sea life with this person who, like me, just loved to see people smile. As you head into your weekend, just remember, it’s still 5 o’clock somewhere!
The Sweet and Sour of Dental Decay
It’s no secret… to anyone who knows me… that I have a love of sweets! But good news for me (and you other sweet-tooths out there) - research was just published that might be the biggest breakthrough in fighting decay since fluoride. The question is, can you handle the science behind it? You’ll find everything you need to know in this week’s #fridaypfisterfix right here…
Island of Adventure
In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, boy do I have the #staycation for you. How does one describe the “Island of Adventure” in our own backyard? Well, I’ll do my best. It’s a place I’ve been visiting for 35+ years. And I’ve got all the info you need to have an awesome time right here…
247 Candles Please
As we celebrate the 247th birthday of the United States this 4th of July, we’ve got a lot to be thankful for. Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix for a few nuggets of freedom-making history you may not have known…
Happy Father’s Day weekend family, friends, and patients! I’ve been blessed to make great memories with my wife and sons over the years. And I hope your weekend is filled with good ones too! (P.S. If you’d like some Father’s Day reading, in this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I talk about the changing role of “dad” over the decades...) Have a happy, healthy weekend and make some memories!
Three Circles
Interested in whether or not your child is ready for early orthodontic treatment? I get questions about this all the time, so I decided to blog about it! If you’re interested in the benefits of early orthodontic intervention (and you’re wondering if your child is a candidate), this is a can’t-miss article written especially for you!
Frozen Snippets in Time
This Memorial Day weekend, we remember all those who made the ultimate sacrifice when serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. It’s also the unofficial kick-off to summer. Go make some memories with your loved ones! After all, those that laid down their lives did so in order that we might have the opportunity to live prosperous and meaningful lives!
The Human Constant
Throughout our lives, we are constantly aware of the reality that change is ever-present and, along with death and taxes, not much else is constant in our lives or world… except a mother’s love. Moms, this one’s for you!
Souls and Sunrises
Sunrises and Easter - I find each brimming with possibilities and new hope that today, tomorrow, and all the next days hold the potential to be great. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I share a message of hope with all my readers…
The Beauty Behind Nature’s Delicate Creations
For all you orchid addicts out there, there's still time to catch this year's 17th annual Cleveland Botanical Garden orchid festival — "Orchids Forever." In fact, I was so wowed by the experience that I wrote about it in this week's #fridaypfisterfix…