Fourth of July - A Time of Reflective Celebration

Is this Summer slipping away faster than other Summers?

Wow, where did June go?

I don’t know about you, but the amazing weather that we’ve had over the Spring and throughout June seems to really have accelerated the calendar.

All of a sudden, we are celebrating our country’s Independence Day from Great Britain.

What a great celebration it is! As one watches their phone, television, media sources and witnesses such atrocities and destruction in many other parts of our dear planet, we have to be very thankful that we are living in America!

Our founding fathers had tremendous forethought (along with the guts and fortitude to carry out their mission) to give freedom to the colonies of the time and every generation from that time foreward.

A photograph taken by Dr. Pfister from inside Ellis Island at the check-in desk in the Department of Immigration. All incoming immigrants stood in line for hours with this vision in their heads. Their futures and their freedom depended on getting checked in. Ponder that for a moment this weekend!

We owe the signers of the Declaration of Independence a tremendous debt of gratitude… every single day of the year.

This weekend, while you are watching a parade, fireworks, or grilling a rack of burgers and brats, take a couple minutes to reflect on just how lucky you are to be doing what you are doing and how different this landscape of America could have looked today if it weren’t for the 56 delegates who risked everything with a signature.

We all need to give thanks this weekend for our country, our state, and the beautiful Medina County that we have chosen to raise our families in.

If you haven’t seen it yet, the latest June copy of Cleveland Magazine (which was dedicated to showing the “Best Places to Live in Northeast Ohio”)… well… I hate to spoil the surprise, but guess what… Medina made the front cover!

Darn, now the secret that all of us have known for years is out!

We are very fortunate to live in such a warm and supportive community, complete with great schools, great churches, and friendly neighbors.

When was the last time you pulled into a parking space around the Square and got out and just walked up to the gazebo and looked around?

I did it last week during my lunch hour. It made me proud to be a Medina resident. You really need to try it. And for added excitement, do it during a Farmer’s Market morning on Saturdays. (But remember to bring cash, because you won’t believe the culinary and holistic products that you will want to try. )

On behalf of my family and staff, we would like to extend a heartfelt wish to all of our patients, readers, and their families…

Have a meaningful and reflective Fourth of July celebration this weekend,

Dr. Pfister


Hangin’ on to Summer


Am I too late?