The Friday Pfister Fix

Sending you into your weekend with positive vibes.

Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

Fourth of July - A Time of Reflective Celebration

I don’t know about you, but the amazing weather that we’ve had over the Spring and throughout June seems to really have accelerated the calendar. All of a sudden, we are celebrating our country’s Independence Day from Great Britain. And what a great celebration it is! As one watches their phone, television, media sources and witnesses such atrocities and destruction in many other parts of our dear planet, we have to be very thankful that we are living in America!

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Chris Benninger Chris Benninger


Clear aligners, such as those used in Invisalign therapy, can yield amazing results in creating better smiles. But not all aligner companies are created equal. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, check out which major player filed for bankruptcy last month (and why I continue to choose Invisalign as our preferred company for aligner therapy).

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Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

Profile of a Successful Invisalign® Patient

Recent studies have shown that 40-45% of dental patients today are not good candidates for Invisalign® therapy. Seeing as though I’m an orthodontist who offers Invisalign, you must be shocked that I’m relaying this fact to you. “Dr. Pfister, shouldn’t you be convincing me to try Invisalign therapy to create my best smile?” The truth - Invisalign is amazing. But it’s not for everyone.

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Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

Creative Changes in Medina Cuisine

Sometimes I think I missed my calling as a food critic! As you head into your weekend, check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix to see where I’ve been “brunching” lately. You might just want to hit this Medina gem this weekend…

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Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

One Small Step

I had the pleasure of watching my son walk across the stage this past weekend in his graduation from the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts. And since we’re in the heart of graduation season, I thought this week’s #fridaypfisterfix would be the perfect time to congratulate all the wonderful graduates of Medina County who weathered some very interesting years in their pursuit of a degree…

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Charles Pfister Charles Pfister


Gracias, merci, grazie, gratias tibi… no matter the language - thank you! In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, my staff and I would like to humbly offer our most heart-felt thank you for voting Pfister Orthodontics “Best of the Best” in the Medina County Gazette reader’s poll for 2021!

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