Giving Thanks

Medina Square offers a beautiful setting for celebrating the holidays.

O little town of Medina, how still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by…

Have you driven around Medina’s Square lately? Whether I’m on my way to work at 7:30 am or heading home at 6:30 pm, the Square does not have a sleepy, laid-back feel, but rather is blessed with a festive holiday vibe that is exciting and contagious. This, I feel, is due in no small part to our dozens of creative family-owned businesses that have opened over the past 10 years.

Medina Gazebo… decked out with Christmas lights!

Spearheaded by our own North Pole enterprise of Castle Noel, Medina is recommended by many Northern Ohio travel companies as a must-see-for-Christmas destination.

I was born here and have lived here all my life; and I must say, compared to where Medina was 20 years ago, we have a lot to be thankful for living in such a warm and giving community! It’s not easy running a small business, but thanks to many adventurous and willing-to-take-a-risk individuals, Medina is an exciting place to live. It truly is a fine life lesson for our children — namely, that if you have a creative idea and you believe in yourself and are dedicated to putting in sweat equity… you can be successful!

If you happen to be looking for an idea for someone who has everything, we have just the ticket for you...

And no, it’s not online! Our family and our office has a tradition of going to Hobby Lobby for some festive baskets and then shopping around the Square, gathering everything from gourmet olive oil, festive chocolates, popcorn, candles, leather purses, and the list goes on! We call it the Tour of Medina Basket… you are welcome to use the name. I have felt that this is a double thank-you, one to the recipient of the gift and the other to the shop owner for being there and braving the economic storms of today.

Since 1992, I have dressed as Santa (with lots and lots of padding), my wife as Mrs. Claus, my boys and several staff members as elves… and we visit local dental offices, going right into their operatories to wish patients and staff a joyous holiday season.

The gift baskets we take to each office are locally produced and assembled. It truly feels great to thank those around us who have supported us throughout the year.

I must give my father credit for my love of the holidays…

As a small child, my mom says I was 9 or 10, I would accompany my father in yes, you guessed it, a Clark Griswold-style station wagon loaded with Mapleside Farm’s fruit baskets, and deliver them the week before Christmas to thank his clients for all their support throughout the year. Along the way, my father would always make it a point to give me his yearly speech on how to live a proper life. Interestingly, I would half-heartedly listen every year, never dreaming that someday I would wish I could hear it again!

Whether it be genetics or experientially induced, I truly believe that it is better to give than to receive.

One would have to agree that the world is a nicer place because of the many people throughout the year who are doing nice things for each other without expecting anything in return. Just that soulful warmth that comes from doing something unexpected for someone who does so much for others. Whether it’s as simple as giving a water to the Amazon delivery person, a gift card to your auto mechanic or postal person, or a dynamite Medina Square Surprise Gift Basket to a shut-in, caring is what it is all about. Caring is the heart speaking and guiding us to become the person we were meant to be with each of our unique personal qualities.

I have to agree with the Grinch — caring and giving is exercise for the heart; and Lord knows we need as much, if not more, exercise for that muscle, as with the rest of our body!

With today’s hustle-and-bustle lifestyle… with everything online and leaning in the AI direction… I feel this next generation is missing the true meaning of personal communication, the synergy of working together, and the value of saying thank-you. Watching and listening to various younger members of my extended family keeps reminding me why we need evening family meals and family get-togethers — more than just at Christmas.

Family mentors and mature family members need to serve as believable examples of how to live a warm, caring, and thankful life, interrelating with each other and having minimal ear bud time. I read an article about Steve Jobs, worth 7 billion dollars as he was fading at age 56 from pancreatic cancer. In his final days, he was quoted for some of his very insightful last words. Two statements stood out to me — “There’s a big difference between being human and being human.” And… “If you want to go fast — go alone. But if you want to go far — go together!” Personally, there is not much more I can say that would be any more profound than that.

So let me close with this...

If you saw the sunrise this morning… be thankful!

If you are vertical and have most of your faculties… be thankful.

If there is more than one person at your table for most meals… be thankful!

Spend more time with your kids — they grow up too darn fast!

Spend more time with your parents, ‘cause when they’re gone… you’ll wish they were here!

Make every day a great day… and be thankful for each and every one.

On behalf of my Staff and beloved Family… may I wish all of my dear readers the most joyous of holiday seasons. And may the love and warmth of this most holy time continue and be with you throughout the coming year.

Merry Christmas,

Dr. Pfister


Successful Change in 2024

