A Weekend of Remembering

Western Reserve National Cemetery, the resting place of Terri Pfister’s mother and father

Phew, this has been a tough two months for me, so please forgive me for the random publishing schedule of the #fridaypfisterfix…

Spring is the time for all of my orthodontic association meetings on local, state, and national levels. I was running around to several cities, even Ann Arbor and the U. of M., where we had a great AI conference for three days — the highlight being an afternoon lecture and Q&A with Invisalign’s AI and R and D taking center stage for a great insight into aligner tray printing and diagnosis. I have some insightful ideas on new blogs for this summer, starting with next Friday!

But let’s move on to what is most important — this weekend’s focus of remembering.

Many people associate Memorial Day as the kick-off to summer with fun in the sun and a day off from work.

But the holiday has a rich history dating back to the 1860s. Its intent and focus is for us to take time out of life’s busy schedule to think about and commemorate those who died while serving in the U.S. military.

My family (as with millions of others in Medina and the United States at-large) will get together for fellowship, food, and convivial conversation about what is new in everyone’s lives over this extended holiday weekend.

Now, as the elder uncle of my family, I am trying to get the next generation (read as those under 30 years of age) to…

  1. Show up when I host a holiday of fishing and swimming &

  2. While we are all around my family-binding fire, go over with them (and especially the under-12-years-of-age youngins) exactly what the true meaning of these important holidays are!

We truly have been blessed. Aside from 9/11, we have not had fighting on our soil with another country for over 200 years.

All of us owe those who have served, and especially those who have served and paid the ultimate price, a huge debt of gratitude.

I hope in each of your families, someone has stepped up to take on this educator role. The power of social media (and as I am learning more and more, even AI) has clouded the true meanings of many of our holidays… such as Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and even Christmas.

And I truly feel once these traditions and meanings are lost, mankind loses another valuable part of our history that has been a cohesive thread in the unique fabric of our being.

This weekend, have a meaningful time with your family, but please celebrate responsibly. AAA has Memorial Day Weekend as one of the deadliest weekends of the year to be on the road.

Yes, with thoughts of fun and the sun (after being cooped up for four Northern Ohio months), alcohol can be the accelerant to some really bad choices — like driving! Know your limits and love your family each and every day.

And thank every veteran you see… every day.

A few quotes to reflect on going into the weekend:

“May we never forget that Freedom Isn’t Free.”

“We don’t know them All, but we owe them All.”

Have a nice, reflective weekend of remembering.
- Dr. Pfister


Am I too late?


Celestial Awakening