Pillars of Life - Part 2


Congratulations everyone! This weekend begins August and we have weathered and survived four-and-a-half months of the Covid pandemic. Are we stronger for it? You bet we are! Do we look at the world differently? Sure we do. But this all shall come to pass and we will return to a new normal, probably a bit more frugal, realistic, and family centered. We’re in the midst of a short-term health issue. But what I want you to look at and think about is your overall health for the rest of your life.

Last week, we started the discussion on the first two pillars of Jonathan Rhoades’ four Pillars of Life. I introduced you to the first pillar being the importance and benefits of proper nutrition and how our health must be looked at first from the cellular level. And then we moved into the hydration and aerobic needs of our bodies and how they are met through exercise. Exercise is the perfect lead into our third pillar because exercise is the key to managing this pillar…

Pillar # 3 - Stress Management

Termed the silent killer, stress can be disruptive to nearly every system in our body. It can suppress our immune system, upset our digestive and reproductive systems, increase our risk for heart attack and stroke and, even worse, speed up the aging process! The third pillar of health that we must learn to master is stress management. According to the Mayo Clinic, if left unchecked, stress can double or triple the probability of high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease ending our lives. According to Jonathan and most health gurus, the pent-up negative energy produced from stress must be properly released from our bodies. Otherwise, our cells will begin to break down, system by system.

Proper channels for successfully releasing this negative energy include exercise, yoga, meditation, and long walks in nature (especially with a friend or pet). We’ve talked about this before… my love for evening fires with the family… what could be more simple to de-stress? And we must keep it simple. Complexity is what stresses most humans and gets us all bound up inside. Reading a good book out in the woods (with gentle breezes and nature sounds) has always worked for me. A couple good books include John Maxwell’s Intentional Living or 30 Summers More by Dwayne J. Clark. Dwayne goes into 36 micro-habits and 16 anti-aging cures with 10-point self-assessment tests to help the reader with stress-management and life extension. But I must warn you, there are 100s of stress-management books available. Just buying one or two won’t work. You have to open them up and, yes, read them and commit to them and make it a part of your life. As they say, first we make our habits and then our habits make us! As we move into our last pillar of health, I personally made it last because I feel it is the most important. Much overlooked and tremendously underestimated is the importance of a good night’s sleep…

Pillar #4 - A Good Night’s Sleep

Getting less than seven hours of sleep a night on a regular basis can lead to a weakened immune system, diabetes, weight gain, high blood pressure, and memory and acuity loss, according to Drs. Watson and Chemy of Healthline. Yes, the fourth pillar is proper rest - to allow our bodies to repair themselves and return to homeostasis, a sense of total balance. Dwayne Clarke, in his book 30 Summers More, explores the concept that our cells’ life spans are not fixed or predetermined but can actually be shortened or lengthened with proper sleep and a healthy lifestyle.

Eating properly, exercising, and stress management all lead to a healthier lifestyle. But if the body is not rested and the cells are not allowed to use the nutrition, hydration, and aeration provided, then I feel the first three pillars are for naught. The inverse is true as well, according to many of my adult patients. If they eat poorly, don’t exercise, and are stressed at home or work, they don’t sleep well either.

Science and the multitude of health & fitness experts who write books on better living all agree on one thing - we are what we eat and our attitude is everything in helping us live according to the Four Pillars of Life.

So there you have it - how to extend your life and be happy while you do it! Much easier said than done! Is it a cure for Covid? Who knows?! By just keeping your immune system at its best and your cellular activity humming along, you may beat the odds and see your hundredth birthday! Remember… your life… is your responsibility!

Stay healthy and be well,

Dr. P

Missed Part 1 of this series? Check out “Pillars of Life - Part 1” here.


Happy Anniversary Team Pfister


Pillars of Life - Part 1