The Friday Pfister Fix
Sending you into your weekend with positive vibes.
One Small Step
I had the pleasure of watching my son walk across the stage this past weekend in his graduation from the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts. And since we’re in the heart of graduation season, I thought this week’s #fridaypfisterfix would be the perfect time to congratulate all the wonderful graduates of Medina County who weathered some very interesting years in their pursuit of a degree…
She Lives on in My Heart
My Mother was pregnant with me the first time I felt the warm breezes coming off Sanibel’s beaches. Later, in her own words, she said, “I wanted you to be a traveler and an explorer. I wasn’t about to sit back on a couch in Fort Myers just ‘cause that was lady-like!” It was bittersweet traveling to Sanibel Island this year without my Mother. But she lives on in my heart. Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful Moms out there. In a more personal #fridaypfisterfix, I talk about what my Mother’s love did for me in becoming the person I am today…
The Easter Comeback
Easter is my favorite holiday because I have always seen it as a time of rebirth. That being said, I started surveying my adult patients (and parents of patients) several weeks ago to see whether or not they would be hosting Easter this year. And the results of the survey were astounding…
An Ounce of Prevention
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Recently, I’ve been asked about two areas in Orthodontics that I feel would fall into the “prevention department.” If you’re a dental health geek like me, you don’t want to miss these 2 things that will keep that beautiful smile intact!
The Winds of Change Are Upon Us
Did you know some of my patients have never even met me without my mask on? It’s crazy the things we took for granted before Covid. But the winds of change are upon us. Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix to see why positive vibes are in the air…
The Art of Movement
What do Olympians, an Orthodontics Conference, and Dr. Pfister’s stomach have in common? Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix to find out!
Winter Chillin’
As an orthodontist, I have the pleasure of interacting with over 100 young patients in a given week, and it’s interesting to witness trends in their interests. This week, I was amazed to learn about what most of these pre-teens and teens didn’t do this past Super Bowl weekend. And I’ve got a recommendation for what they should do this coming weekend. Check out today’s #fridaypfisterfix to learn more.
Software versus Hardware
We’ve been getting a lot more adult patients coming through the door with interest in Invisalign treatment to create that perfect smile. And I have to tell you, Invisalign is a game-changer! For all my adult readers out there, this #fridaypfisterfix about considering Invisalign treatment is dedicated to you. And there’s a special offer for you at the end of the article!
Solace after Solstice
Cheers to all the skiers and snowboarders out there! Must’ve been a great week for you. Now for those of you who say winter outside is not your thing, where does one go to find a “happy place” in January in Northern Ohio during Covid? Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix to find out…
New Year, New You
As we begin a New Year, I’d be remiss if I didn’t throw my two cents in and put some research and verbiage to the Number One topic last weekend. That topic would be… drum roll please… New Year’s resolutions! As you are reading this, you have already survived the first week of 2022, but have your resolutions? If you’d like to keep them, check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix…
Love is the Currency that Enriches this World
On behalf of my family and staff, I truly wish each and every one of you the most meaningful Christmas ever! I still believe there is "magic" in Christmas (yes, even for adults). It just comes in different forms and maybe not in a sleigh or wrapped under a tree, but in the warming of our hearts. Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix to learn more…
Yuletide Joy
One of my favorite holiday traditions is delivering holiday baskets to dentists that we work with in the Medina County area. But you may not know that tradition was planted in me at a very young age by my father. If you’re looking to start some family holiday traditions of your own, I’ve got a great lineup for you in this week’s #fridaypfisterfix…
Excerpts from William Bradford’s Diary
This week’s #fridaypfisterfix comes to you a day early because, well, it’s Thanksgiving! And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I decided to take a stab at imagining what William Bradford, the leader of Plymouth Colony, would have written in his diary in the early days of the Pilgrims leading up to our nation's very first Thanksgiving…
Natural Control
Recently, I’ve started noticing just how complex the world keeps becoming. But there’s hope! And in this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I look to Nature and Holiday Traditions for lessons in simplicity…
This Fall, Stress Less
This Fall, stress less! I’ve never seen my patients and patients’ parents so stressed in all my years in orthodontics as I have this past year. It appears to be due, in large part, to the uncertainty around COVID. So in this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I wanted to provide my readers some quick tips for stress management…
The Absence of Color Isn’t Everything
Would you believe that every September and October we get an influx of individuals who would like to clean up their smiles by Thanksgiving Eve or, at the latest, Christmas Eve?! It’s true - people like to look good and feel good going into the holidays. And sometimes over-the-counter teeth whitening products are a quick grab. In this #fridaypfisterfix, check out what I’ve learned about these products and whether or not they might be right for you…
Yesterday’s Tomorrow
What do COVID-19 and time travel have to do with one another? Well, perhaps nothing and everything at the same time. Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix for a (hopefully) thought-provoking take on space, time, and the COVID vaccine…
A Piece of Americana - Northern Ohio Style
In a world where we all seem to have reasons to grind our teeth, I’ve got something for you that will help slow things down a bit. It’s a local attraction and hidden gem that many don’t know about. And since I’m moving to a bi-weekly blog publishing schedule, you better eat this one up to get your #fridaypfisterfix for the next 2 weeks!
A Life Well-Lived and Well-Remembered
As you know, our goal of the #fridaypfisterfix has always been to send you into your weekend with positive vibes. Well, how’s this for positive - “Race with Grace” is happening this Sunday at 9 AM at Cleveland Clinic’s Medina Hospital. Pfister Orthodontics will be there as your “hydration station.” Walk-in race registrations are welcome (more at I know the Grace family, firsthand, and Mary Grace’s legacy has resulted in overwhelming financial help for families battling cancer. Learn more here…
Taken… for Granted
Tuesday morning of this past week, my family and I visited the Ground Zero memorial of 9/11. Twenty years earlier, at 8:45 a.m. on a Tuesday morning (September 11, 2001), 19 militants associated with the Islamic group, al Qaeda, showed us the vulnerability of our heretofore taken-for-granted American Freedom! Please take a few moments to remember the people we lost that day. And, for further reading, check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix for a reminder about why we should never take our Freedom for granted…