Team Member Spotlight - Terri Pfister

Terri Pfister, a behind-the-scenes team member who keeps Dr. Pfister out of trouble

Terri Pfister, a behind-the-scenes team member who keeps Dr. Pfister out of trouble

Don’t you love the month of October?

It’s the definition of Fall, with the lower humidity and temperatures, clearer skies than most of the summer months, and the breathtaking color changes of our local foliage. It’s what Florida kin can only dream of. I agree, palm trees are super at the beach and, granted, they don’t require raking. But they just can’t compete with a transitioning sugar maple as it turns from green to yellow to fiery red.

The kaleidoscope of color changes from October 1st to Halloween is quite a northern biological process, stimulated by less available sunlight as the days shorten, heralding the onset of winter. The variety of tree species that we are blessed with, each with their own color and rate of change, produces an artist swath of colors across Ohio’s farmlands that truly makes October a special time in my book.

And if my own life were a canvas, my wife would be the vibrant colors breathing life into each painting…

It is with great pleasure that I showcase a behind-the-scenes Team member without whom (with her help and guidance) I would truly be lost! She has been involved with our office since before the beginning. She has the thankless job of accounting and bookkeeping and keeping me out of trouble. And when she said “I do” at the altar, I’m not so sure Terri Barndt knew what she was getting into when she became Terri Pfister!

Meet Terri Pfister

Yes, the longest Team member, besides myself, is my ever-loving wife, Terri. Born in Somerset, Pennsylvania, and raised in Wadsworth, Ohio, Terri went to Sharon elementary and graduated from Highland High School. It was while she was in high school that she met the man of her dreams (at least that’s what I’ve always told her). Yes, my wife and I are high school sweethearts. I walked her to classes, held her books at the locker, took her to homecoming and prom… we were the classic love story.

Terri grew up with Girl Scouts and was a feature twirler in the Akron Suburbanites Majorette Traveling Team. They performed at events such as Toronto May Day Celebration, Washington D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival, Salem Witch Festival, and the Annual Soap Box Derby. This prepared Terri for high school, as she became a four-year lettered majorette, along with being in the marching band, playing the flute.

After high school, Terri went on to get her teaching degree from Kent State University. She taught Spanish for 12 years at Black River and took a leave of absence from teaching to raise our fine sons, Steve and Trent, and become involved with the bookkeeping of the practice.

Once our boys were in college, Terri went back to teaching full-time and then part-time at North Royalton and Highland High Schools, along with doing the books at the office. Currently, Terri is only working at the office, as she has taken a “Covid retirement” from teaching.

The boys and I are glad of that! Having extra time on her hands, Terri has expanded her job description and is getting out and meeting doctors and staff as our office’s Good Will Ambassador. This has been an exciting time for me - to be able to have lunch with her and strategize programs - as we continue to build the practice together… 37 years after saying “I do”.

The synergy that we share is truly special and I feel blessed to be able to share the practice with my spouse and family.

This weekend is to hold some of our last 70-degree days of the year. So grab your hat and shades and tour the backroads of Ohio. Take in some of the best artistry nature has to offer. If you happen to be around Wooster, go to one of the area’s secret nature sites, Secrest Arboretum, on the OARDC campus just south of town. The Garden of Roses of Legends and Romance is pretty cool and the new Visitor Center is a must-see. Google it and be amazed with nature.

Because that’s… pure Ohio!

Have a great weekend,

- Dr. Pfister


Adapt and Overcome


Team Member Spotlight - Alexis Marimberga