Team Member Spotlight - Deidra Bates

Terri Pfister (left) with Deidra Bates (right) at a 2010 Halloween Party

Terri Pfister (left) with Deidra Bates (right) at a 2010 Halloween Party

Slowly - very slowly - the world is showing signs of getting back to normal…

School is starting in various forms, from full classroom participation to full on-line (and a few hybrids in between). Fall high school football has returned, with limited audience but here nonetheless. This week, double hurricanes hit the Gulf, a phenomenon never before seen in recorded meteorologic history. Makes one wonder, what’s next or how soon is New Year’s Eve?!

But at Pfister Orthodontics, we are enjoying a near-normal-as-possible August, scrambling to get patients in and braces off before school starts. We are continuing to enjoy our 36-year Anniversary this month; and this week, I’d like to showcase our receptionist Deidra Bates, our third longest running employee.

Meet Deidra Bates

Deidra and I both started working in orthodontics in 1983 with Drs. Haddad and Fuller in the newly-opened Reserve building. At that time, we occupied the entire right half of the building, and the beautiful atrium was our reception area. It was a special time. Most of the building was empty and we used the entire second floor (no walls or tenants at the time) to host dances and parties. But after a year, Deidra left and went to work in Strongsville for an orthodontist; and I left to purchase the other orthodontic practice in Medina. One year after hiring Connie and Donna, guess who answered an employment ad for a dental receptionist? You guessed it… Deidra! We were working together again and it’s been an amazing synergy for the past 34 years.

Deidra was born in Fairview, Ohio, to Irish parents and graduated from Fairview High School. She was an only daughter who grew up tough with 4 Irish brothers. She is married to the love of her life, Jim, with whom she shares three daughters and four grandchildren. Deidra’s favorite vacation trip is on her annual Irish music cruise where she has become close friends with an all-woman Irish band, the Screaming Orphans, even going to Ireland with her husband to visit them. Her most enjoyable pasttime is watching movies with the grandchildren.

Deidra started out as a chair-side assistant and then, after subbing in for Donna several times, gravitated to the front desk as our receptionist, where she resides today. She can do any job in the office so well that for the last several years she works one day a week by herself on our management day. This is the day where I get caught up on letters and phone calls and do emergencies while the rest of the staff is off.

Deidra assists me for emergencies, schedules patients, answers questions on the phone and for walk-ins, and even sets up financials. She is quite amazing. On the phone, her voice is angelic and very calming; the patients love her. Deidra’s smile and warmth is contagious and she greets everyone as a long-lost friend. Deidra can give Donna a run for her money in also knowing almost everyone in Medina County and remembering every patient we ever treated!

When asked what has kept her here this long, Deidra remarks, “I just love what I do and the people I work with and all of the patients I’ve had the good fortune to meet.”

Have a great weekend Medina County,

- Dr. Pfister


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