The Friday Pfister Fix

Sending you into your weekend with positive vibes.

Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

Did You Like Your Eulogy?

My wife and I have experienced quite a bit of loss this past year (with both of us losing our Moms). So, going into this Father’s Day, it has me reflecting (more than ever) about living life to the fullest. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I challenge all my readers (and especially you Dads out there) to think about what you need to do to maximize your time here on earth!

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Charles Pfister Charles Pfister

Pursuit of Happiness

The “Pursuit of Happiness” - Jefferson mentions it in the Declaration of Independence. It’s a pursuit as old as time. Locke wrote about it before Jefferson… and Aristotle before Locke… and the list goes on. As we celebrate the 4th of July this weekend, we’re left to reflect on how our country has changed over time. But one thing has never changed - we still can’t shake our desire for, and pursuit of… this thing called happiness.

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Charles Pfister Charles Pfister


Even though it would seem many of us should have a fun, COVID-free summer to look forward to, I’m finding that many of my patients (or patients’ parents) are still feeling the stress of this past year and finding it hard to return to normalcy… which leads me to this week’s #fridaypfisterfix. I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve learned about stress management and self-actualization.

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