The Friday Pfister Fix

Sending you into your weekend with positive vibes.

Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

She Lives on in My Heart

My Mother was pregnant with me the first time I felt the warm breezes coming off Sanibel’s beaches. Later, in her own words, she said, “I wanted you to be a traveler and an explorer. I wasn’t about to sit back on a couch in Fort Myers just ‘cause that was lady-like!” It was bittersweet traveling to Sanibel Island this year without my Mother. But she lives on in my heart. Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful Moms out there. In a more personal #fridaypfisterfix, I talk about what my Mother’s love did for me in becoming the person I am today…

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Charles Pfister Charles Pfister

Happy Places

Ah… a breath of fresh air… people are traveling again. During the pandemic, traveling and getting away had been postponed. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I bear my soul a bit in saying why I (like many people) needed to discover my “Happy Place”…

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