The Friday Pfister Fix

Sending you into your weekend with positive vibes.

Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

A Cornucopia of Blessings

This #fridaypfisterfix comes to you on a Wednesday because, well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving! My wife and I will be hosting both sides of our family this year. And I’ve got some pointers in this post for those who are blessed enough (and bold enough) to host…

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Chris Benninger Chris Benninger

Excerpts from William Bradford’s Diary

This week’s #fridaypfisterfix comes to you a day early because, well, it’s Thanksgiving! And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I decided to take a stab at imagining what William Bradford, the leader of Plymouth Colony, would have written in his diary in the early days of the Pilgrims leading up to our nation's very first Thanksgiving…

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Charles Pfister Charles Pfister

Black Friday

Well, we weathered the emotional challenges of this year’s unique Thanksgiving celebration. What traditionally is a gathering of 45 to 60 attendees was, this year, a gathering of 5. Thanksgiving - in most of my family’s minds - is the best holiday of all… no gifts, no major decorations, just show up and eat! Which leads me to today… I find it quite interesting that Black Friday is, in some ways, the juxtaposition to Thanksgiving. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I explore what’s really important as we continue into the holiday season…

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Charles Pfister Charles Pfister


Well, the Thanksgiving dinner table won’t be as crowded this year (thanks to COVID). But if you’re like me, you still have A LOT to be thankful for. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I hope to impart an “attitude of gratitude” as you head into the week of Thanksgiving…

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