The Friday Pfister Fix

Sending you into your weekend with positive vibes.

Charles Pfister Charles Pfister

Goodbye to the Not-So-Perfect 2020 Vision

To all our patients, friends, and family - Happy New Year! There may have been some individuals in the world who saw what we had coming in 2020, but I have to believe most of us were blindsided by Covid 19. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I say goodbye to my “not-so-perfect 2020 vision” and use lessons learned from this past year in suggesting resolutions for 2021…

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Charles Pfister Charles Pfister

Christmas Day

Can you believe it?! With all the turmoil this year, we made it to experience the Joy of Christmas and the Celebration of Jesus’s Birth! Ask five different people what Christmas means to them, and you’ll probably get at least three different answers. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, I share some reflections on what Christmas means to me…

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Charles Pfister Charles Pfister

Castle Noel

You know something is special when it awakens the child in you. I paid a visit to Medina’s very own Castle Noel this past Monday, and this local gem knows how to instill the wonderment and Spirit of Christmas at every twist and turn. Check out this week’s #fridaypfisterfix to learn more about what makes Castle Noel such a special local attraction…

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Charles Pfister Charles Pfister

Halloween 2020

Halloween traditions run deep in the Pfister household. From trips to local haunts, to days at the pumpkin patch, to over-dosing on candy (yeah, not great for someone in the field of dentistry), we love us some Halloween. In this week’s #fridaypfisterfix, you’ll never guess who (in our family) has wall-to-wall cavities…

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