Make a Change Today


“If we don’t make a change today, our tomorrow will look like yesterday.”

- Jim Rohn

Hi out there! How are you doing? All of you are in our thoughts during this truly unique Spring Break. You know I love to chat so I couldn’t hold back. This coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted all of us, and it’s inspired me to start sharing some inspirational thoughts with my patients and their families to help get them through these difficult times. In this first installment of The Friday Pfister Fix, I’d like to send you into your weekend with positive vibes.

Like many of you, I’ve taken inspirational courses and heard motivational speakers, but in my normal daily life I have not always reflected back on what I heard or learned. Now is a time for reflection. During a significant change-of-life period like the one in which we find ourselves, pearls of wisdom come to light for each of us and should be used as positive directors of our current life. Times like these will show the good and - unfortunately - the bad sides of society.

The most difficult part of the pathway to growth is the first step! Let’s make this first step begin with ourselves. During this time of reduced or no work, reduced social engagement, and family quarantine, we may be for the first time in our lives experiencing… the quiet zone. The zone of no must do’s, no agendas, and few distractions to direct us from things that may be more important than all of those time suckers.

This quiet zone lends itself to self-reflection and personal growth. Working and stress are replaced by relaxation and possibly eventual boredom due to our inability to deal with this type of change. Time with a book, our family, our pets, exercise, and even meditation are some of the activities that will help us not only get through this period, but also grow and become better people for having experienced this complex, unsettling time.

We’ve gotten over the shock of having our lives turned upside down; now, let’s move ourselves and our families to a higher, positive state of consciousness. As you start down your pathway of growth, good luck with your first step. As Jim Rohn once said, “If we don’t make a change today, our tomorrow will look like yesterday.”

Stay well. Brush, floss, and wash!

- Dr. P


From Vulnerability to Resurrection